Recent Publications

Foster S, Heckelman A, Ruetz A, Engler-Stringer R, Black J, Alaniz Salinas N, Michnik K. 2024.  School Food Programs in Canada-Needs Assessment and Community Engagement Guide


Niimi-Burch S, Black J. Balancing acts: Unpacking mothers’ experiences and meanings of school lunch packing.  2024. Canadian Food Studies. Vol. 11 (2). p 171-193

Black J, Elliott S, Engler-Stringer R, Field D, Mansfield B, Segave S, Liné T Centring Children, Health and Justice at the Core of Canadian School Food Programs, featured in the 2024 book  Transforming School Food Politics around the World, edited by Jennifer Gaddis and Sarah Robert. MIT Press.

Daly, Z., Black, J., McAuliffe, C. et al. Food-related worry and food bank use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: results from a nationally representative multi-round studyBMC Public Health 23, 1723 (2023).

Mazac, R,  Seed, B, Black JL, Renwick, K. A framework for integrating sustainability in international food-based dietary guidelines Chapter in Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Diets. 2022

Black JL, Mazac R, Heckelman A, Elliott S. Unwrapping school lunch. Examining the social dynamics and caring relationships that play out during school lunch. Canadian Food Studies / La Revue Canadienne Des études Sur l’alimentation, 2022. 9(2), 276–298. from

Tugault-Lafleur CN, Black JL. Who Misses Lunch On School Days in Canada?. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 2021. DOI:

Black J. Food and Connection In and After Crisis. In Chromatic: Ten Meditations on Crisis in Art & Letters. 2021.

Engler-Stringer R, Black J, Muhajarine N, Martin W, Gilliland J, McVittie J, Kirk S, Wittman H, Mousavi A, Elliott S, Hills B, Androsoff G, Field D, Macdonald B, Belt C, Vatanparast H. The Good Food for Learning Universal Curriculum-Integrated Healthy School Lunch Intervention: Protocol for a Two-Year Matched Control Pre-Post and Case Study. JMIR Research Protocol. 2021. DOI:

McAuliffe C, Daly Z, Black J, Pumarino J, Gadermann A, Slemon A, Thomson KC, Richardson C, Jenkins EK. Examining the associations between food worry and mental health during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2021. DOI:

Mazac R, Renwick K, Seed B, Black JL. An Approach for Integrating and Analyzing Sustainability in Food-Based Dietary Guidelines. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2021. DOI:

Members of the PHUN research team with Sinikka Elliott from UBC Sociology have compiled an extensive report highlighting preliminary insights learned about school lunch experiences from three schools with pre-existing lunch programs during their 2019 transition to a new school meal program in BC. Download the report summary or read the full  report here: BC School Lunch Program Report June 2020

Tugault-Lafleur CN, Black JL. Lunch on School Days in Canada: Examining Contributions to Nutrient and Food Group Intake and Differences across Eating Locations. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2020. DOI:

Tugault-Lafleur CN, Barr SI, Black JL. Examining differences in school hour and school day dietary quality among Canadian children between 2004 and 2015. Public Health Nutrition. 2019. DOI:

Tugault-Lafleur CN, Black JL. Differences in the Quantity and Types of Foods and Beverages Consumed by Canadians between 2004 and 2015. Nutrients. 2019. DOI:

Velazquez CE, Daepp MIG, Black JL.  Assessing exposure to food and beverage advertisements surrounding schools in Vancouver, BC. Health Place. 2019. pii: S1353-8292(18)30454-4. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2018.12.007.

Black, JL, Seto D. Examining Patterns of Food Bank Use Over Twenty-Five Years in Vancouver, Canada. International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 2018. DOI:

Holmes E, Black JL, Seto D, Fowokan A, Lear SA. Examining food insecurity among food bank members in Greater Vancouver. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. 2018. 1-14. Doi: 10.1080/19320248.2018.1465001. For full text of the paper click here.

Fowokan, A, Black JL, Holmes E, Seto D,  Lear SA. Examining risk factors for cardiovascular disease among food bank members in VancouverPreventive Medicine Reports.2018. 10, 359-362. doi:

Holmes E, Black J, Heckelman A, Lear SA, Seto D, Fowokan A, Wittman H. Nothing is going to change three months from now”: a mixed methods characterization of food bank use in Greater Vancouver. Social Science & Medicine. 2018 200:129-136. doi: Click here for access to the full text paper and see a story about this in the Vancouver Courier.

Rojas A, Black JL, Orrego E, Chapman G, Valley W. Insights from the Think&EatGreen@School Project: How a community-based action research project contributed to healthy and sustainable school food systems in Vancouver.  Can Food Studies. 2017. 4(2).:4-24.

Velazquez CE, Black JL, Potvin Kent M. Food and Beverage Marketing in Schools: A Review of the Evidence. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017 Sep 12;14(9). pii: E1054. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14091054.

Tugault-Lafleur CN, Black JL, Barr SI.Examining school-day dietary intakes among Canadian children. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2017 Oct;42(10):1064-1072. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2017-0125. Epub 2017 Aug 23.

Tugault-Lafleur CN, Black JL, Barr SI.Lunch-time food source is associated with school hour and school day diet quality among Canadian children. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2017 Jul 31. doi: 10.1111/jhn.12500. [Epub ahead of print]

Tugault-Lafleur CN, Black JL, Barr SI. Reply to MM Graziose.Adv Nutr. 2017 Jul 14;8(4):636-637. doi: 10.3945/an.117.015685. Print 2017 Jul. No abstract available.

Tugault-Lafleur C.N., Black J.L., Barr S.I. 2017. A Systematic Review of Methods to Assess Children’s Diets in the School Context. Adv Nutr. 17;8(1):63-79.

Stephens T.A., Black J.L., Chapman G.E., Velazquez C.E., Rojas A. 2016.  Participation in School Food and Nutrition Activities among Grade 6-8 Students in Vancouver. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research.

Velazquez C.E., Black J.L., Ahmadi N. 2015. Food and Beverage Promotions in Vancouver Schools: A Study of the Prevalence and Characteristics of In-school Advertising, Messaging, and Signage. Preventive Medicine Reports.

Velazquez C.E., Black J.L., Billette J.M., Ahmadi N., Chapman G. E. 2015. A Comparison of Dietary Practices at or En Route to School between Elementary and Secondary School Students in Vancouver, Canada. J Acad Nutr Diet. 115(8):1308-17.

Black J.L., Velazquez C.E., Ahmadi N., Chapman G. E., Carten S., Edward J., Shulhan S., Stephens T., Rojas A. 2015. Sustainability and public health nutrition at school: assessing the integration of healthy and environmentally sustainable food initiatives in Vancouver schools. Public Health Nutr. 18(13):2379-91.

Yang P.H., Black J.L., Barr S.I., Vatanparast H. 2014. Examining differences in nutrient intake and dietary quality on weekdays versus weekend days in Canada. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.39(12):1413-7.

Black J.L.  2014. “A Look to the North: Examining Food Environments in Canada” In: Local Food Environments: Food Access in America. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

Ahmadi N., Black J.L., Velazquez C.E., Chapman G.E. and Veenstra G. 2014 “Associations between socio-economic status and school-day dietary intake in a sample of grade 5-8 students in Vancouver, Canada.” Public Health Nutr. 1-10.

Black, J.L., Dunham, R.  and Kafka, T. 2013. “A study of challenges and opportunities for long-term care dietitians in British Columbia.” Can J Diet Pract Res. 74(3): p. 131-7.

Black, J.L. and Billette, J.M. 2013. “Do Canadians meet Canada’s Food Guide’s recommendations for fruits and vegetables?”  Appl Physiol Nutr Metab.  38(3): p. 234-42.

Black, J.L. and Day, M. 2012. “Availability of Limited Service Food Outlets Surrounding Schools in British Columbia.” Can J Public Health 103(4): 255-259.

Black, J.L. and Veenstra, G. 2011. “A cross-cultural quantitative approach to intersectionality and health: Using intersections between gender, race, class and neighbourhood to predict self-rated health in Toronto and New York City”. In: Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices. Vancouver: UBC Press; p. 71-91.

Black, J.L., Carpiano, R.M., Fleming, S., Lauster, N.  2011.“Exploring the distribution of food stores in British Columbia: Associations with neighbourhood socio-demographic factors and urban form.” Health Place. 17(4):961-970.

Black, J.L. and Macinko, J. 2010. “The Changing Distribution and Determinants of Obesity in the Neighborhoods of New York City, 2003-2007.” American Journal of Epidemiology 171(7):765-775.

Black, J.L., Macinko, J., Dixon, L. B., & Fryer, J. G. E. 2010. “Neighborhoods and obesity in New York City“. Health & Place 16(3):489-99.

Black, J.L., Piñero, Domingo, Parekh Niyati. 2009. ” Zinc and Cognitive Development in Children: Perspectives From International Studies.” Topics in Clinical Nutrition 24(2):130-138.

Black, J.L., and James Macinko. 2008. “Neighborhoods and Obesity.” Nutrition Reviews 66:2-20.

Sasson, L, Jennifer Black, and Sharron Dalton. 2007. “Lessons Learned About Food-Related Attitudes and Behaviors From an Italian Study Abroad Program.” Topics in Clinical Nutrition 22:357-366.

Black, Jennifer, Lazarus, Paula., Lopresti, Frank, Winter, Ben.  2008.  “G.I.S Goes Green.” Connect Spring/Summer

Black, Jennifer. 2007. “Quantitative Research on Campus:  Data and Statistical Resources at NYU.” Connect  Fall/Winter:24-25.

Black, Jennifer. 2007. “The Golden Gate Diet (Book Review).”  Journal of the National Medical Association  99:55-56.